Monday, February 13, 2012

Chinese Philosophy

When without money, keep pigs;
When have money, keep dogs.

When without money, eat wild vege at home ;
When have money, eat same wild vege in fine restaurant.

When without money, ride bicycle;
When have money, ride exercise machine.

沒錢的時候 , 想結婚;
有錢的時候 , 想離婚。
When without money, wish to get married;
When have money, wish to get divorced.
沒錢的時候 , 老婆兼秘書;
有錢的時候 , 秘書兼老婆。
When without money, wife becomes secretary;
When have money, secretary becomes wife.

沒錢的時候 , 假裝有錢;
有錢的時候 , 假裝沒錢。
When without money, act like rich man;
When with money, act like poor man.

人 啊,都不講實話:
Man, O Man, never tells the truth:

Says share market is bad but keeps speculating;
Says money is evil but keeps accumulating.

Says women are trouble-makers but keeps desiring them;
Says high positions are lonely but keeps wanting them.

說天堂最美好,都不去 !!!
Says smoking & drinking is bad but keeps partaking;
Says heaven is good but refused to go.

In the past, woman gives man their virginity;
Now, woman gives man their newborn baby

In the rural area, chicken calls man awake;
In the cities, man calls for chickens.

In the past, famous actresses will not sell their bodies;
Now, actresses will sell their bodies to become famous

人生是什麼 ?
What is life about?

1 歲時出場亮相
At age one, YOU are the top priority

10 歲時功課至上
At age ten, academic excellence is the top priority

20 歲時春心盪漾
At age twenty, getting laid is the top priority

30 歲時職場對抗
At age thirty, a good career is top priority

40 歲時身材發胖
At age forty, keeping your body in shape is top priority

50 歲時打打麻將
At age fifty, beating others at mah-jong is top priority

60 歲時老當益壯
At age sixty, keeping IT up is top priority

70 歲 時 常常 健忘
At age seventy, remembering something is top priority

80 歲時搖搖晃晃
At age eighty, moving around is top priority

90 歲時迷失方向
At age ninety, knowing directions is top priority

100 歲時掛在牆上
At age 100, having your portrait on the wall is top priority!

祝大家愉快,好好做人 !
Wishing you all happiness! Be good!